Onboarding Specialist
Broker Kit Online Paperwork
Contracting Specialist
Main Contact Point:
Nicole Vazquez
(239) 270-5319
This is a crucial step in your onboarding process - The Broker Kit Contracting & Licensing Phase. You will receive a total of 3 emails.
Directly from our Contracting Specialist, Nicole Vazquez.
A set of 2 emails from address: <guardian_acl@glic.com>
One details your access link and next steps.
The other details your username/password.
THE ACCESS LINK WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE FOR 24-48 HOURS. To ensure proper onboarding, you must begin your application process immediately.
Main Contact Point:
Whitney Masterson
(239) 270-5320
Welcome To Guardian
& Alliance Financial Group
Congratulations! Your broker kit has been approved and appoints are pending at the state.
Nicole Vazquez, will be emailing you and referencing the email received from: <guardian_acl@glic.com> to conclude The Broker Kit Contracting & Licensing Phase!
It’s time to begin The Onboarding Career For Take-off Phase. Onboarding Specialist, Whitney Masterson will transition as your main point of contact from here forward in your career with us.
Note: The training courses required for you to take will be assigned on your first day at the office, and linked for your convenience in the Onboarding Department.