Our Office Policies

In order to maintain a professional environment at all times, we adhere to the following guidelines. 

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We encourage all our agents and team to dress in traditional business attire to represent yourself and AFG properly. However - there are circumstances when business casual attire is acceptable. We provided some examples to prevent confusion.
— GA, Jerry Hemmer
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  • Security, our top priority – All cabinets and drawers containing confidential information must be locked and secured.  Remember to send e-mails securely # # 

  • Dress Code – Proper business attire is required, always. Wardrobe Details Here

  • Behavior – A proper working environment is one that is acceptable to all of those around us. We must be conscious of the fact that our language and our behavior must be sensitive to the needs of all the members of our company.  

  • Office Courtesy – A quiet working environment is essential, i.e. all cell phones must be on vibrate (for text messages and phone calls) and music should not be heard by anyone outside of your work area.  We are kindly asking you to turn down the volume when in the mailroom area, passing through the workroom, on the floor (hallways), and in the kitchen.  Please be considerate of our fellow agents conducting business. 

  • Meeting Protocol – Please be on time for all agency and training meetings.  Cell phones and other electronic devices should be in the “OFF” position as a courtesy to your associates and to allow you to focus on speakers and meeting content. 

  •  Messages – It is very important when leaving the building to inform the reception when you’ll be back so she may properly direct your incoming calls.  Always put your AFG phone on Do Not Disturb. 

  •  Voicemail – It is also very important you check your AFG voicemail messages first thing in the morning and each time you return to the office. 

  •  Phone Numbers – It is the policy of the company NOT to give out home or cell phone numbers unless instructed. Please use your direct line for all incoming calls. This will free reception to handle all your incoming business calls.  

  • Alarm – If you are the last one to leave your building, check around the building before you set the alarm.  For our system, all office doors must remain open.  Please make sure the entire building is vacant, ALL the lights/lamps and coffee makers are off, all the doors are locked.  If you accidentally set off the alarm, the security company will call.  Answer the phone and be prepared to give them the AFG password. 

  • Conference Room – Please schedule ALL your office appointments, training sessions, and banner and equipment reservations on-line.  Should you have an unscheduled meeting, check the schedule to make certain the room is not reserved.  Important, if your meeting is canceled remove it from the schedule. Also, you are to clean-up after your meeting and replace the mouse on the charger as a courtesy to all. 

  • Postage/UPS – Agents must print their initials in the right-hand corner of all outgoing mail so the postage can be charged to their account.  Agents are billed monthly for postage and UPS shipments. 

  •  Fax/Long Distance – A three-digit code is assigned to everyone for long-distance calls and faxes.  These costs are billed to agents on a monthly basis as well.  

  • Fragrance Sensitivity - Please help us to accommodate our coworkers and clients who are chemically sensitive to fragrances and other scented products. 

  • Odors are distracting and may trigger allergic reactions or create health problems for sensitive individuals from any source, including foods, personal items, candles, diffusers, florals, perfumes, and grooming. 

  • Decorating – AFG requires approval of major decorating to your office space.  Also, certain codes must be adhered to through the building management.  

  • Kitchen – Please clean-up after yourself and put only AFG mugs and utensils in the dishwasher.  Do not store any personal kitchen items or food in the cabinets.  Also, the refrigerator and freezer are emptied at the end of each night, so bring home all your containers or put your name and date on the item.  No insulated bags are to be put in the refrigerators (only nursing Moms).  After using the microwave, please clean-up any splatters.  The sink does not have a garbage disposal, so be sure to remove any food particles from the drain.  Make another pot of coffee when you take the last drop. 

  • Restrooms – The front restroom in AFG Main is to ALWAYS be available to our clients.  You are to use the restrooms located at the rear of the building (with the exception of our receptionist.)  Be considerate of others, leave the restroom clean, and the toilet seat down. 

  • Computer Equipment – Please keep your computer and work area clean and dust-free to minimize computer repairs.   

  • Photo Copier - Keep the photocopier area clear of staples and paper clips.  This equipment is highly sensitive to computerized hardware.  Be gentle when handling and do not slam or force doors and drawers to close.   

  • Shredder – Please take responsibility for your shredding, do not leave your documents by the shredder.  Shred your material on a regular basis, do not let it build up. Documents cannot be sitting under desks in piles.  As always be considerate of others, empty the shredder when full, and do not shred when agent work areas are occupied. Our mobile shredding vendor picks up weekly for large amounts.  

  • Recycling – All boxes must be broken down and placed in the clear container by the mailboxes. Please place your empty soda cans and water bottles in the recycling container behind the kitchen trash can.  Do not leave it on the floor by your trash can.  Always empty soda cans before discarding them to avoid spillage.